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Dear Family,
It was quite the event talking with you last evening. You truly are one special family! Anyways, as you could guess not much is new since last night. Except, I slept, woke up, and talked to the District Leader. Sadly, I do not feel that the Tylenol PM was that effective in helping me sleep. However, I only took one when the recommended dose is two. So, I might try that soon. Though, I don't feel too confident as to how well it will work. Luckily, though it took awhile to get to sleep still I think that I slept fairly well. However, I am still feeling pretty tired right now. Probably due to all the missed sleep I had.
Our District Leader was just calling us for our goals (at 7:30 AM). Even though I wake up at 6:30, I don't feel too confident about my thinking at 7:30. Either way the District Leader had a hard time believing it was me when Elder Green turned the phone over to me. He kept saying he didn't believe it. Finally, he started asking music questions to test it. For example, where is middle C? Finally he believed it and we talked.
Elder Green's family was doing well when he talked with them. Only his youngest sister is at home. He has 2 younger sisters (one of which is married), and an older brother (who also is married). He was born in Caldwell, Idaho. He will be returning to Caldwell. He will be turning 21 on the 26th of July. So, I will be home for his Birthday! I think that is about it for Elder Green right now.
Next week is Zone Conference. So, you probably should not be expecting an e-mail from me until Tuesday, since we have a Monday Zone Conference again. Sorry about that delay. It is probably also the car competition, so you never know you might just get a few stories out of that one again. Elder Krantz (1st ward) claims that he has never lost one yet, and he has been out almost a year. Personally, I have never won one yet, so my faith is a little lacking. Especially with Sister missionaries around (they seem to have a soft spot for them, in winning the competition. We will have to clean the car on Saturday, since we can't clean it on preparation day.
It was kind of saddening talking with you. All the things that I am going to have to buy when I get home. Man, we didn't even talk about my wants (trust me there is 2 years worth). So, I guess the word for now is save, save, save.
I also failed to mention that right now, 2 of the Missionaries out from our ward here are in the MTC. Sadly, those families do not get to talk with their missionary. Of course, one of them was just dropped off last Wednesday, so that is not too big of a deal. But, remember how fortunate we are.
That is probably about it for my end. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed speaking with you. Anyways, know that you are all greatly missed and that I wish you all the best. Take care my family, and enjoy life!
Love, Elder Mike Robinson