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Dear Mom, Dad, Squirt, & CB
I miss you all so much already. Every time I think of mom crying, I get a little homesick. Life at the MTC is very challenging, I can't wait for my three weeks to be up. It kind of makes me glad I am going to an English speaking mission. We spend countless hours in class memorizing the discussions which has to be exact. The spirit is strong, it is reconfirming my knowledge that the plan of salvation is true.
Anyways, time for some interesting information for you. Missionaries have to be up by 6:30 a.m. I have been up at 6:15 a.m., because it seems easy to me and helps me beat the rush to the bathroom.
Also, I got to take part in setting my companion apart as a missionary since he hadn't been yet. My companion (Elder Jensen) is alright, but we have some minor differences. He was raised in Kansas City and is very easy going when concerned with schedules (which drives me bananas, but I will get over it.) We are getting along fine, but I am pretty sure we wouldn't be friends under normal circumstances.
It may also interest you that I have seen many people from BYU, though tight schedules and companions prevent much conversation. I also saw Elder Britten Sessions on my first day, he seems to be loving it.
Also, I am the cleanest of the Elders I am living with, so be thankful you are my parents! I have been steadfast in journal writing, I currently have 4 pages filled! However, I still do request that you save my letters, just in case.
And for mom, your sewing lesson has already come in handy. My older suit had developed a large hole in the right pocket, so I stitched that up pretty well. I did it several times, since it is a pocket and I don't want anything falling out. And don't worry all the stitching is inside the pants, so my repairs are not visible.
Anyways it's almost time for bed, so let me close by reminding you that you are loved and missed!
Elder Michael Joseph Robinson
P.S. I am now the proud owner of 3 black missionary name tags. It is very warm here, especially with the old air conditioners of the MTC.
Tell people Hi, and express my love for them (especially Grandma). Be understanding, I don't have too much time to write. My next P-day is filled with the temple (but I will try to write)
Oh well, now I really have to get to sleep, 4 hour class tomorrow morning!