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Dear Family,
Sorry this comes a little late. We got delayed yesterday due to the fact we had an oil change at Wal-Mart. When the guy told Elder Koontz, "it will be awhile". Elder Koontz asked, "Like an hour?" The response, "A couple." So, we got to spend quite a bit of time there and enjoy all of your favorite Wal-Mart shopping.
The big excitement of the week is we had our first snow. Elder Koontz got to build his first snow man. Luckily, it was not too bad but we still canceled exchanges with our district leader. However, I still feel like they ground the cars for almost no reason here. The snow isn't too bad. I even saw them clearing off the road with a back hoe, kind of different but it works when there isn't a snow plow.
On Wednesday, we had our interviews with President Nielsen. President said he noticed that his outside car thermometer read 12 degrees at one point. I told him we saw a bank sign with 8 degrees on it. Though, we didn't get out and take a picture sadly. It didn't seem like eight, but I think it was accurate.
Anyways, in interviews I told President of our many challenges and how things were going. He told me that he is "pondering making some changes." Considering that I am one missionary who wouldn't mind moving the day after Christmas that is probably a plus. There will have to be a few areas closed in the mission this coming transfer, there are 11 missionaries going home and only 3 coming out. So, we might see quite a few of them. Interesting was after my interview, President asked me about my website. Apparently he was looking as to which missionaries had an updated info and he glanced at mine. He didn't make it to the website since he is pretty busy. But, he was curious what was on there.
Sunday was pretty interesting; attendance was a little low, even though almost all the snow was gone. For Ward choir practice we only had 8 singers (2 of which were missionaries). It looks like I will be singing a solo on "What Child is This", as well as joining in for a little quartet thing on "Angels we Have Heard on High". So, it should be good next week. Out of curiosity did dad get to play on the organ for "Oh Holy Night"? The Bishop gave me the compliment that I made the Priesthood Brethren sound good during priesthood, which he added was not an easy feat. So, all is well. Though, I want to get back to playing normal hymns and not the Christmas ones. One of the youth asked me what In Excelsis Deo meant. To which I responded, "I knew at one time but I can't remember." So, dad please answer that one for me.
This week was a little slow in the dinner appointment department. We had two that were going to drop it off at our place. Sadly, they both could not find where we were. One forgot that there are two C streets, one on the east and the other on the west. Both tried calling the Bishop to get directions, but his wife did not know where we lived. No one could get a hold of us by phone since we don't have one. It is sad, but it is just how it goes. Perhaps we will have to explain directions more in depth. Luckily this week, we pretty much have a full week since one of the Sisters stressed it in Gospel Doctrine and Relief Society for us. The work is going slowly still.
Since mom asked, Elder Koontz is not related to Dean Koontz. However, he gets asked that a lot and he knows who he is. Personally, I don't see why so many people mess up on Elder Koontz's name. Everyone can get Robinson, but Koontz is a struggle. Perhaps because people aren't as well read as in other places. Though interesting is the fact that our Bishop is related to some Robinson's in Southern California. It was a Garret Robinson that moved to CA, who he said would have been about my grandpa's age. I do not know a Garret, so I cannot connect anything there. It is just interesting.
Mom mentioned the possibility of getting a masters degree from North Eastern Oklahoma A & M. That is not likely; it is just a Jr. College. Though, you’re thought of being a BYU undergrad and Oral Roberts grad is interesting. It would produce quite the individual. However, I don't think I would want to support Oral in anyway. I would probably prefer the interesting mix of Notre Dame or Brown for the religious combo. Though, I don't think I will be doing that.
For the record, I have received a Christmas & Thanksgiving card from Grandma. I appreciated hearing from her and wish her all the best. Hopefully she is doing better. I did send her a Christmas card (along with 58 other people....ouch).
I received a Package from the Wozabs this past week. That was a nice surprise, I am really appreciative. Though, I couldn't make out there address so I just sent a Christmas card to you for them. Please see that they get it. It was a nice surprise to receive the package.
It is interesting to hear that right before I leave, you get the new air conditioner. And now, we have a working dish washer. I still make my companions use dish washers if we have them (which we usually don't) so that I can say I have never used one. Either way, now that I finally understand popcorn popping (after much experience); the humidity thing isn't a big deal. Though, it would have been nice when I was younger. I guess it is kind of nice to forget about is still though. We will have to see.
Our house had a bit of delay, since the family that owns it went on a vacation, and they did not let us know about it. However, they seem to be getting really into it this week and did quite a bit yesterday. I think his goal is to have us in there by the first of the year. I don't know, we probably could be in there next week if he continues to work as hard as he did yesterday. We will just have to see how things go.
Anyways, about the phone call home. I will attempt to call home at those times but I really cannot offer any guarantees. We have the problem that we don't have our own phone. We will have to go to some members and ask, "So, are you not expecting a phone call for quite awhile?" If possible, please send me the cell phone numbers and Grandma Millie's number just in case. I will do my best to call about 7-7:30 your time, but once again no promises. It is still hard to plan what our day will be like.
I don't have much more time, but that is pretty much what is going on. Sorry that I was not able to send this to you sooner. Hopefully all is still going well, and I truly wish you all the best. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do. Take care, and god bless.
Love, Elder Mike Robinson