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I graduated in 2008 with a B.S. in Computer Science with a Music minor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. This section of the website deals with my life at college. It covers everything from the application process, my classes & schedules, and even my involvement in clubs.
BYU Website Daily Universe 100 Hour Board Route Y
Fall 2007 | Winter 2008 Fall 2006 | Winter 2007 Fall 2005 | Winter 2006 Fall 2004 | Winter 2005 Fall 2001 | Winter 2002
BYU Amateur Radio Club The BYU Club that I was President of. Freshman Academy Directory Photo Directory I created in 2001 (Password Req). Colleges Applied To All the colleges I applied to back in 2000-2001.
BYU Amateur Radio Club The BYU Club that I was President of.
Freshman Academy Directory Photo Directory I created in 2001 (Password Req).
Colleges Applied To All the colleges I applied to back in 2000-2001.