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Dear Parents,
I hope that everything is well on the home front. Received any of those 'parents of missionary blessings' yet?
Well, I guess the big news is that we got into the first Bible "bash" of my mission. You always expect that kind of a thing when someone is glad to see you and invites you in openly. However, my companion handled it well. He really knows his Bible since he converted from being a born again Christian just 4 years ago. Though the funny thing is the guy that was confronting us was a Baptist who did not believe that baptism was necessary. Also, don't worry, we didn't get too confrontational.
Oh yeah, my companion is Elder Marshall from Valencia, CA. We always joke about "What were they thinking, putting two So. Cal guys together?" He has been out about 13 months and I feel that he's a great trainer. We get along together pretty well. Let me know if there is anything else you want to know about him. He also spent a year at BYU, just taking GE's though.
If any of my friends at home are concerned that they haven't received mail from me, I must apologize. This week I had to write to my BYU friends so I could get their new addresses. Next week should be my write the friends at home week.
I am hanging in there and I am enjoying the strengthening of my testimony and the companionship of the Holy Spirit. I can hardly wait until I loose myself in the work and the time seems to fly by.
Anyways, sorry this letter is short but there is not a lot of time today. Missionary work is very busy. Give Grandma my best and best wishes to all of you!
Sincerely, Elder Michael Robinson