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Dear Family,
Once again I hope all is well with you. Things are going pretty well here and the weather has been pretty nice recently. You won't believe this, but I am in Bartlesville with Elder Green (details later in the letter).
Tuesday we had dinner with the stake patriarch. It was a pretty nice experience and I went with him to visit one of his home teaching families. He told me that at the time he was called as Stake Patriarch he was 34 & 1/2. Two apostles told him, "We are not sure if it is just us, but we strongly feel that the Lord wants you as the next patriarch. He mentioned that the call was the furthest thing from his mind being that age. Interestingly enough, the apostles told him that he was the youngest patriarch in the Church at that time (1960). Forty four years later, he's still an active patriarch. Pretty interesting stuff.
Wednesday morning we received a transfer phone call from President Nielsen. He likes to call Elder Green and give him the heads up. President told Elder Green that he would be going to Springfield 5th Ward. I was pretty excited for him to say the least.
After speaking with Elder Green, President spoke with me. "Elder Robinson, I will be making you senior companion. You will be serving with Elder Green - Elder Chester Green from Idaho (I was serving with Elder John Green). So, I am now with Elder Green in Bartlesville. Shocking was the fact that First Ward & Independence did not change.
Elder John Green, when asked by some people if he was leaving simply replied, "You're stuck with Elder Green for 6 weeks." It was pretty funny, but most eventually caught on. Still, it is pretty interesting and the "new" Elder Green is sure to get a lot of "wow, you've gained weight" and "wow, you've got more hair" type jokes. Either way, it is pretty funny for me to talk to Elder Green about Elder Green. Just for the record they know each other, but are not related. Also, Elder Chester Green is an Eagle Scout.
Friday morning, we woke up at 5:30 AM and drove down to Tulsa by 7:00 AM. This of course was the pushed back time; they had originally told us 6:30. While down there, we went to the New Haven apartment (the New Haven Elders & the AP's live there) and we studied. I talked with one of the missionaries there that is fixing up his bicycle. I have decided to trade him for a few things, which will make my mission bicycle more of what I want. We will trade at Zone Conference if everything goes according to plan.
While waiting for the transfer loop to arrive for Elder Chester Green, I got to go out with an Elder Gibby (also waiting for a companion) and they dropped us off and said tract between 9:30 - 3:30ish. He was a pretty nice guy. We received one contact and our feet were killing us (we were on foot; it's amazing how much bicycling saves your feet). He was from Layton, UT and had been out about 6 months.
Saturday we didn't get to go out to our new convert’s house since he had to work. Apparently they had been fixing a gas leak and a vehicle had gotten stuck in the mud on Friday. Then the vehicle that came to pull it out got stuck and so on up to four or so vehicles. So Saturday from about 7 AM - 2 PM he was at work.
We organized our supplies and rearranged the apartment, so it is more optimized for work. Later that night, we had dinner with a Ward family
Elder Chester Green & I are getting along real well as expected. I think that we can get quite a bit done. We should be a good team. I fixed his bike up some as well (true the wheels...they were pretty off, and adjust derailers). I will let you know when more goes on, but we are doing really well right now and share a lot of the same opinions and are really enjoying our conversations.
Dad asked about the missionary that was in the same place for 18 months. Well at the time he was a regular missionary. I haven't met the guy yet, but he will be one of our new office couples for the mission office. I am going to miss Elder & Sister Scott. They are the car coordinator and referral secretary respectively.
That is pretty much it on my end. So, I am still in Bartlesville and you never know, I might even be here for another transfer if things go well. Elder Chester Green has been out six weeks less than I have. Interestingly enough he was trained by Elder Prall who was trained by Elder Marshall the six weeks before I arrived in Bartlesville (for the first time).
I hope that Grandma is still doing well. I have been a bit busy recently, but she has been in my prayers and thoughts. I wish you all the best and as always let me know if there is anything I can do. I greatly miss and love you all very much.
Love, Elder Mike Robinson