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Dear Family,
This week has been fairly interesting. One surprising thing happened yesterday at Church. One of the members came up to me and said, "Hello from......hold on a second". After waiting for a few seconds, and my thoughtfully pondering who they could have run into, the response came, "Marjorie Hart". Apparently Marjorie knew her daughter from a ward they had been in together. It was quite the pleasant surprise, and it reminds you the world is often smaller than we think.
Last preparation day, we had a BBQ at our bishop’s house. That was a fairly good meal and we enjoyed it. We also got to talk with him a bit about a few things. Though, we also enjoyed coming over early and enjoying some quality table tennis (ping pong) time. Previous to that, we enjoyed a long day of sports. We played soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and some softball with a bunch of the youth from First Ward. It was fairly fun though we did have a little sunburn because of it. Elder Green got hit hard with it. So bad that his forehead started peeling and he looked rather old. Though he got burned on Monday, everyone on Sunday was asking about it. I suspect they thought he took a rather nasty fall. We of course went out and got him some sunscreen fairly soon after that, as well as Aloe Vera. It was a fun preparation day (or diversion day, as dad would say). This week we will be playing some more soccer.
Wednesday we had interviews. President addressed the District and expressed some concerns. He also spoke about a recent letter from the First Presidency about quoting General Authorities. He said that was mainly sparked by an e-mail going around where someone was quoting Elder L. Tom Parry at a Stake conference. Apparently it is wide spread and well known, though I hadn't heard about it. The other thing he addressed the District about is that Missionary Medical released a warning that they are expecting the West Nile virus to be more wide spread this year in comparison to last. So, we received instruction about mosquito repellent and deet. It's been interesting, I put some on at our convert's house and it still didn't stop all of them. But, I would hate to think what I would have looked like without it.
In my personal interview, President gave no clues as to transfers. I suspect I will be transferred, but it's not guaranteed. Though, I got up and bore my testimony on Sunday just in case (it was my eighth testimony meeting in Bartlesville, if you believe that).
It is pretty interesting that I could be transferred on a national day of mourning. We heard about Ronald Reagan's death. It is most saddening, but it was probably for the better in his condition. It is sad when great men die.
Also concerning transfers, I may possibly send the bike box empty to my next area. There are just a lot of factors. Depending on where I go, I may send it home this week. So maybe or maybe not expect to see it coming home. It's a pretty big box. Another helpful reminder to lift with your knees.
Saturday we did some more work on our convert's house. This time I worked on tiling the floor as well as more ceiling panels. It is a very large ceiling, with lots of small panels. Though, it is turning out fairly nice. I took a few pictures, since it might be the last time I see the house. Everything seems to be going fairly well there.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday we got to participate in something a little different. It was Sunfest, a giant outdoor festival with crafts for sale, political campaigning and music. The Church had a booth, and we assisted the members in manning it. It was quite fun, because it was a different type of missionary work. Something different than the usual is always nice. We saw quite a few people, and talked with many. We didn't get any awesome referrals off of it, but we probably had some positive influence. We were the only place you could get free water. A very positive thing, since everything was over priced. Imagine a $3 roasted piece of corn. Anyways, I enjoyed it and we passed out a few Book of Mormons. We also had some girls approach us and I got to answer there questions about church discipline on affairs, why only Mormons can get married in temples, and of course about becoming Gods. It was kind of crazy, but they seemed to accept the answers I gave to them. Elder Green later told me he was thrilled I was answering so well.
The member who said I reminded her of her missionary son now knows where her son is serving. She was sorry to hear that I thought that I would be going. However, she mentioned that she did not notice any of the similarities until he left. Kind of interesting.
Now in response to your letters. First off, what size is Grandma's new Television? Is it HDTV? Plasma? Elder John Green mentioned that the plasma TV's can have problems where they burn out after about 7 years or so (from when he was working at Best Buy). Though, they could have improved the technology. Either way, I am excited to hear that you got a better deal on the TV. Having that sound system looks really nice. Not that Koss is a great brand, but it looks like it has some nice features. I am pretty sure I could find a use for it, if it becomes mine.
Mom sent some information about First Aid & CPR certification for the lake; I am very interested in doing that so please sign me up. You never know when that certification could come in handy.
It is great that mom & grandma will be able to take a trip up to Oregon. I wonder who is still up that way. I received a letter from Grandma this week. It had quite nice paper since grandma asked. I also appreciate the Special K Bars. Breakfast on the go can happen rather frequently.
Also, thank you mom for finding & sending the picture of Laura to me. I heard she is home now, but haven't heard from her. Though at least it probably was a positive experience for her. It was a nice surprise to see that picture. Also dad, thank you for finding one of your missionary cards. It is nice to have, since it reminds me of your talk at my farewell.
I think that is about it on my end. Just about 7 weeks to go, and maybe one area and another companion. Things are going fairly well here. Though, it has started to heat up some. Of course, we are still getting a few rainy cold days as well.
Elder Green and I got a real kick out of the Vons add about meats packaged in Tulsa, OK. However, being in Bartlesville hearing that would be rather appealing. However, I believe Vons is a little incorrect I believe most packaging goes on up in the direction of Kansas. Sure, the beef is from around here, but we get it packaged at the same place California does, so it's not much fresher or any less frozen.
Take care, I miss you all greatly and appreciate your support. You are the greatest. Let me know if there is any more information you need from me.
Love, Elder Mike Robinson