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Dear Mom & Dad,
I just got the beef jerky and candy in the mail today. I appreciate getting it and it will take some effort to eat it all so I don't have to pack it when I go to the field. And yes, I will probably be sharing it with others.
Just so you know, it is rumored that we are allowed to call home when we arrive at our destination and/or before the plane flight. Though of course, I have not yet been able to verify any of this. But I just wanted to alert you to the possibility and inform you of my flight information.
Also, so you know I got to spend a little time in front of a computer at the referral center (you know...answering the phones for free copies of the Bible / Book of Mormon, etc.). And I did get a Glenda Williams from Alabama to agree to meet with the missionaries. However since we also call out to make sure people got things, I feel too much like a telemarketer. Which is not particularly enjoyable.
We went to the temple again yesterday and took some pictures as a District out in front. Next Tuesday there will only be 3 of us here since we don't leave until the 7th and most of the District leaves on the 6th. Weeks seem to be flying by, but the days are really long. Most importantly, I am surviving.
Well, just got back from the referral center again. This time I had 4 referrals. This time wasn't as bad. I am sure the missionaries in the field enjoy the referrals.
Also, I am glad to hear that Squirt is doing better. Please keep me informed of such things. A lot if us are a little sick, which is expected since we are spending so much time together. I have a little bit of a cough, but nothing serious yet.
Well, just wanted to fill you in on these things, and to let you know that I will be in the mission home Wednesday the 7th to Friday the 9th. I will go to my new area that Friday morning. Let me know how things are going and I wish you all the best!
Love, Elder Michael Robinson
From the Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 549 -
"This is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth." A minister said to me one time, 'It is egotistical to say that.' I said, 'I didn't say that. The Lord said it. I am only quoting.'